You deserve to feel worthy as a singer—here’s how to do it

You feel like you’re not good enough—like you’ll never measure up as a singer. You look at singers on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, and wonder what gives you the right to add your voice to the mix.

I’ve been there.

For years, I struggled with feelings of inadequacy, feeling like I wasn’t a good enough singer. Sometimes I still struggle with negative thoughts that creep in as I’m practicing a new song.

But here’s what I believe: you and I, we deserve to feel worthy in our singing. We deserve to feel worthy. YOU deserve to feel worthy, period.

Here’s the million-dollar question though: how do you actually learn to feel more worthy?

I believe that of the keys to building self-worth in singing (and in life) is to do activities that affirm your inner worthiness. When you show up consistently for yourself and affirm your self-worth, BOOM: you begin to feel more worthy and confident overall!

Below are some tips you can try to boost your self worth!

  1. Make a list of the things that you’ve accomplished today, big or small. Did you move your body a little more today than yesterday? Give yourself a mental pat on the back. Made your bed this morning? Good job! When you acknowledge the things that you’ve done well, you show your mind that you are capable of achieving your goals. This self-validation is a great way of giving yourself a confidence boost.

  2. When negative thoughts arise, acknowledge them, then challenge them. Suppressing your feelings? No thanks. If you’re feeling anxious, unworthy, or inadequate, allow yourself to feel that way! Allowing yourself to feel the fullness of your emotions is an act of kindness—but wallowing in them and beating yourself up for your mistakes is not. Once you’ve allowed yourself to process your emotions, explore where those thoughts & feelings may be coming from. You can do this by writing it out in a journal, talking with a friend or family member, or receiving support from a qualified mental health professional. Above all, remember that feelings are not facts; they are information, but they don’t represent who you are at your core.

  3. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. This is certainly easier said than done, but when we offer ourselves kindness and understanding for our mistakes, we show ourselves that we are worthy despite our faults (or maybe even because of them). Sure, we can learn something from our struggles, but it also helps to recognize that we are worthy of being forgiven, period.

  4. Own who you are, and write it down. Remind yourself of the qualities that you possess that make you, you. By acknowledging and owning who you are, you begin to appreciate & value the ways in which you’re unique. To take things a step further, go ahead and write down your unique qualities on a Post-It note or in your reminders app on your phone—wherever you decide to write it down, just make sure it’s in a place where you can see it every day. When you see these physical reminders, you’ll be reminded of the things that you like about yourself, and, in turn will feel more confident & worthy.

The tips listed above might seem difficult at first—that’s okay! Building self-worth takes practice and time. But, as with boosting any other skill, your self-worth will increase through these affirming practices. Soon, you’ll notice that your self-worth & confidence not only shine in your day to day life, but in your singing as well! After all, you deserve to feel worthy in all parts of your life, period.


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