How to create a practice routine that isn’t defined by productivity culture

You know what makes me cringe?

When I see voice teachers on social media telling singers that they need to practice 30 minutes to an hour every day, in order to make progress in their singing. I also hate when teachers tell students that they’re lazy for choosing Netflix over their singing practice.

Sure, putting in time and effort into your singing will get you results. Consistently binging Netflix for hours after work/school every day certainly won’t help you progress in your singing, either.

But you know what?

All of what these teachers say reeks of hustle culture.

It reeks of a culture that doesn’t take into account the many factors that influence human behavior. Things like someone’s commute from work/school, an individual’s responsibilities outside of work/school (like chores or taking care of family), and a person’s mental state all play a part in how much time & energy someone has to dedicate to their singing practice.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a singing practice routine that fits into your schedule and helps you reach your unique goals. After all, your practice routine should fit your needs and goals, and shouldn’t be shaped by what our culture defines as a “successful” practice routine. It’s time to create your definition of musical success, baby!

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Begin by setting realistic and achievable goals. Whether it's hitting high notes, improving breath control, or mastering a challenging song, be clear about what you want to accomplish. Break your long-term goals into smaller, manageable steps. This way, you'll celebrate small victories along the way, making the process more enjoyable.

  2. Know Your Schedule: Understanding your daily routine is crucial when crafting a singing practice plan. Consider your work schedule, school hours, homework, and other commitments. Identify pockets of free time where you can dedicate 10-15 minutes to vocal exercises or practice—even if it’s in the shower or the car! Consistency is key, and small, regular sessions are often more effective than one long session a week.

  3. Diversify Your Practice: Mix things up to keep your practice routine engaging. Dedicate specific days to different aspects of singing, such as technique, song interpretation, or style exploration. This variety not only keeps things interesting but also ensures a well-rounded development of your vocal abilities.

  4. Listen to Your Body: One of the most crucial aspects of a healthy practice routine is recognizing when to take a break. If your voice feels strained or tired, don't be afraid to give it some rest. Overworking your vocal cords can lead to injuries and setbacks. Always prioritize your well-being over pushing too hard.

  5. Embrace the Learning Process: Remember, learning to sing is a journey, not a race. Embrace the learning process and enjoy every step of it. Don't compare yourself to others or feel pressured by external expectations. Celebrate your progress and improvements, no matter how small they may seem.

Creating a singing practice routine that aligns with your schedule and goals is an empowering way to develop your vocal skills. By setting realistic goals, understanding your schedule, and incorporating diverse and enjoyable practices, you can cultivate a routine that supports your growth without falling victim to the hustle culture. Keep singing, stay positive, and most importantly, have fun on your musical journey!

If you’re ready to get started on your musical journey, the Curious Singer Membership is accepting new members! Find out more here.


These are the steps to accomplishing your singing goals in 2024!


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