3 Practice Hacks to Improve Your Singing Voice (Even if you’re too busy to practice!)

I get it: it can be challenging to find time to practice your singing! Between the stress of work, family, friends, and everything else going on in the world, who has time to practice?!

If improving your singing voice is important to you, and you want to be able to sing in front of your friends without falling flat, I’ve come up with a few ways to help you improve your singing—even on those days when you barely have time to breathe, let alone practice your singing! Check out my top three tips for improving your singing below:

  1. Sing along to the radio (or whatever you’re listening to!). Listening to Spotify, Apple Music or the radio on the way to work/school? Sing along! Sing for fun, or practice different techniques while singing along—no matter what you decide, the more you use your singing voice the more comfortable you’ll feel using it.

  2. Notice how you breathe throughout your day. Do you take the time to notice your breath throughout the day? By bringing awareness to your breath outside of singing, you’ll become more aware of your breath as you sing.

  3. Bring awareness to the way in which you speak. Practice your vocal techniques while speaking! Working on a more “forward” focused sound in your singing? Try recreating the same physical sensations from your singing practice in your speech.

Overall, the key thing to remember is awareness. When you’re aware of how you’re using your voice inside & outside of singing, you’re more likely to make better choices and changes in your singing. Try these tips and let me know how they work for you!

Too busy for private voice lessons, but still want to improve your singing voice? Learn more about the Curious Singer membership here!


How long will it take for your singing to improve? The answer may surprise you.


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