You’ve reached the spot where compassion meets musical know-how.

Come on in.

Welcome to Veronica Rose Music!

We offer holistic music lessons for singers ages 8-80 (yes, we have 80 year old students!), designed to empower and inspire

Student-led lessons, done differently

Voice Lessons

It’s time for you to finally gain the tools you need to sing confidently at karaoke night.

It’s time to discover how to sing through your voice cracks—tension-free—so you can audition for your school musical feeling empowered.

If you want one-on-one guidance from a trained professional on how to achieve your most sustainable sound, private singing lessons are where it’s at.

Guitar Lessons

Shake the cobwebs from the guitar that’s been gathering dust in your home, and finally get going with your musical goals!

If you’ve always wanted to play your favorite songs on guitar with confidence, guitar lessons with an instructor with over 20 years of experience are the best fit for you.

The Curious Singer Membership

Don’t have the time or resources for regular voice lessons?

Want to learn to sing on your own time, on your own?

The Curious Singer Membership offers high quality training—all through our online membership portal.

Click here to book a FREE 30-minute trial lesson with us!

In-person lessons available for singers located in the Richmond, VA metro area, and online lessons provided for those outside of RVA.

What our students are saying

Hi I’m Veronica!

As a singer myself, I understand how scary it can be to share your music with others. I struggled with perfectionism and anxiety in my singing for years, and it wasn’t until I started approaching my fears with compassion that I finally found my voice. I started Veronica Rose Music with the intention of helping singers & musicians work through their anxieties holistically—through providing musical instruction that builds muscle memory that won’t fail you, and approaching frustrations that come up with compassion and grace.

After serving students ranging in skill level and age—from 12 year olds wanting to audition for their school musical, to adults who’ve never sung in their life, to Spotify artists who want to sing with more artistic freedom—I understand that singing (and playing an instrument!) is more than just the physical, and it’s my mission to help musicians gain strategies that not only serve their music making but empower their mind as well.

Fill out the form below to receive more information on lessons with us!

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